Nicasio Land Preserve
The Nicasio Land Preserve (NLP) is a charitable organization under the umbrella of NLOA. NLP is the vehicle through which NLOA conducts specialized efforts of land and land rights acquisition. NLP gives NLOA and the Nicasio Valley a focused tool for preserving key features of Nicasio.
Community members created NLP when they determined that the town needed a more active way to preserve the ambience of the community. In special cases, written standards were insufficient to preserve unique characteristics of the town atmosphere and landscape. As such, NLOA spearheaded a community based effort to purchase key properties whose development could disproportionately affect the ambience of the community.
The first effort of this kind was the acquisition of the Nicasio Town Square, jointly with the County of Marin. Many years later, the same effort resulted in the creation of the Nicasio Land Preserve and its acquisition of “Lot 1” — the corner parcel of land immediately south of the Square.
NLP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (IRS Tax ID #71-0919132).
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No reports available at this time
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