NVFD Ladies Auxiliary
Since 1959 the NVFD Ladies Auxiliary has headed up the annual BBQ fundraiser for the fire department and has organized activities that bring the community together. The group provides an opportunity for new neighbors to get acquainted and involved.
Past meetings have included seedling swaps, woodwork demonstrations, hikes, cooking classes, farm visits, mead tastings, a CPR class, Holiday fairs and more.
Membership is $50 per year. If you have any questions, or would like to join, please contact
Mel Bebbington at bebbingtons@mac.com
February 21st: Coffee morning, seedling swap and “Planning a vegetable garden through the seasons” talk. At a member’s home.
March 19th: Field trip to Cow Track Ranch, plus refreshments, with owner Melissa Daniels.
April 3rd: Tour of Nicasio firehouse, followed by drinks at The Rancho.